Quality control of coconut powder-based solid beverage production

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Quality control refers to the operational techniques and activities adopted to achieve quality requirements. In depth, quality control is a variety of quality operation techniques and activities used to achieve quality requirements for economic benefits by monitoring the quality formation process and eliminating factors that cause non-conformity or unsatisfactory results at all stages of the quality loop.
Tourists from all over the world will generally bring some coconut green fruit or coconut food back to relatives and friends to try, but it is not convenient to carry coconut green fruit, coconut green fruit is also not resistant to storage. The vast majority of tourists are buying coconut powder solid drinks, clean and hygienic and easy to drink. Coconut powder solid drinks is the main raw material and coconut milk powder as the main flavor of solid drinks.

1. Coconut powder solid beverage product classification and characteristics and production status

Many manufacturers are still importing coconut milk powder from Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries, and do different sub-assemblies according to the market demand for taste.

1.1 Coconut powder solid beverage product classification and characteristics

(1) Coconut powder solid drinks are actually classified according to the category of raw materials, while the protein content is divided into a special grade (requiring protein content ≥ 4%) and first grade (requiring protein content ≥ 2%), ordinary grade (requiring protein content ≥ 1%), of which special grade coconut powder is protein-based solid drinks, while first grade and ordinary grade coconut powder is classified as ordinary/other type solid drinks. Ordinary coconut flour accounts for most of the market sales, such as instant coconut flour, pure fragrant coconut flour, precious coconut flour, nutritious coconut flour, mellow coconut flour, coconut powder, etc.; the special grade coconut flour is only one kind of pure coconut flour.

(2) At present, coconut powder solid drinks are limited by the production process of the main product state for the powder, other forms of innovation, some manufacturers are also developing similar to the milk chewable coconut powder products.

(3) coconut powder solid drinks and added raw materials according to the mix to be divided, such as the use of Hainan other special fruits, vegetables to do mixed and flavoring main ingredients, such as coconut milk coffee powder, papaya coconut powder, pineapple coconut powder, cocoa coconut powder, etc..

(4) nutritional fortification of coconut powder solid drink varieties are not much, once hot tourism market high calcium coconut powder now also disappeared, this piece is currently the market gap.

1.2 Coconut powder solid beverage production status

With the vigorous development of the Hainan specialty food industry, the island coconut resources are becoming increasingly scarce, the price of imported coconut milk powder in Southeast Asia continues to soar, many manufacturers are deeply concerned about the huge pressure brought by the cost of raw materials, have to make adjustments from different ways: such as widening the purchase channels, reduce the amount of the main material, develop other varieties, change the packaging, increase storage facilities, etc., the feedback from the market personnel focused on the quality of The problem is gradually increasing.

coconut powder

2. Quality problems in the production process of coconut powder solid drinks

According to the author’s field tracking of the whole production process of coconut powder solid beverage for several years, the following quality problems are more likely to occur.

(1) The source of each batch of incoming materials from suppliers, packaging is different, there is no Chinese and English corresponding logo, the quarantine certificate provided is ambiguous, the quality of incoming materials can not be guaranteed.

(2) The same recipe for the production of coconut powder solid drinks have appeared in the consumer response to inconsistent taste, dissatisfaction and demand for return so that the market sales work is affected.

(3) The results of the inspection or sampling showed that some batches failed in microbiological indicators, such as the total number of bacteria and mold exceeding the standard.

(4) The shelf life of the product has not yet been exceeded, and individual products appear harsh taste after dissolving.

(5) individual batches of protein content do not meet the standard value of its nominal quality level requirements.

For imported coconut milk powder, domestic sub-assembly of this production process characteristics, in accordance with the guiding principle of quality control of these products for the analysis of key quality control points, key quality control points are: procurement control, production process, health control, raw materials and finished product storage control, daily quality supervision of the production process.

coconut oil powder

3. Quality control measures

3.1 Select honest suppliers and establish long-term cooperation contracts

First from the strength of the scale, legal licenses, financial status, and the industry manufacturers and reputation for cooperation and other hard conditions to determine the initial selection of coconut milk powder suppliers, R & D, procurement, quality control and other departments of technical personnel composed of the inspection team of the supplier’s plant, warehouse environment, field sampling, first sent to the authoritative quality inspection agency inspection, inspection results qualified the two sides to sign a long-term supply contract, acceptance standards. The manufacturer will notify the supplier of the goods according to the monthly and quarterly demand plan, and the supplier should ensure the supply of goods at any time, while the manufacturer can avoid hoarding a large amount of coconut raw materials to ensure that each batch of materials used in the production plant is the latest fresh materials. As for the inner packaging materials (bags or bottles), suppliers should provide their supply of inner packaging materials with a health inspection certificate.

3.2 Strictly control the hygiene of the production process

The solid beverage production workshop should be fully enclosed, and the workshop environment should be neat and clean.

① from material storage, blending, packaging, packaging process must be strictly controlled temperature and humidity, spring and summer temperature 18 ~ 26 ℃, humidity 40 ~ 80%, autumn and winter temperature 15 ~ 22 ℃, humidity 30 ~ 60%. ② production of materials required to be used now, such as sugar, should be crushed the same day, other materials should not be taken first with auxiliary materials stored for a period of time and then mixed with the practice of raw materials, to prevent all opportunities for microbial breeding, reproduction. ③ Blending room, sub-assembly room to install air purifier, timely extraction by the air conditioning, air vents, personnel, etc. brought in by microorganisms, impurities, dust and other sources of pollution. ④Entering the solid beverage blending and the dispensing room must strictly implement the production and processing personal hygiene system, hand cleaning procedures: cleaning → disinfection → cleaning → drying shall not be omitted negligence, and change into the solid beverage workshop special work shoes. ⑤ The materials entering the blending and dividing workshop should be taken off the outer packaging and entered through the transmission window, which should be disinfected regularly. ⑥After each production, the food contact surface of equipment, tools, utensils, etc. should be cleaned according to this procedure: blowing away the accumulated powder with compressed air → scrubbing twice with water → scrubbing once with disinfection water → drying with dry disinfection towels. It is also not advocated to rinse the ground with water and requires equipment, tools and utensils to be mopped three times with a clean mop after cleaning, and then dry the ground with a disinfectant mop. (7) temporary storage of semi-finished products in the swing warehouse environmental health requirements should be the same as the blending, sub-assembly workshop.

3.3 Raw materials, finished goods storage control

Raw materials and finished products must be kept in a dry, ventilated, away from heat sources, room temperature does not exceed 35 ℃, relative humidity does not exceed 80% of the warehouse, not with high temperature, flammable, explosive, toxic and volatile odor of goods stacked together. If conditions allow, raw materials and finished products are best stored in separate warehouses. When the products are stacked, plastic matting must be placed underneath. The matboard is not less than 10 cm from the ground, the stack is at least 20 cm from the inner wall, the stack is seam stacked, the height of each stack shall not exceed 1.5 meters, the stack is prohibited to place other items. The library should be moisture-proof, insect-proof, rodent-proof, sun-proof, mold-proof, strictly forbidden to store with toxic and harmful chemicals or detergents, and pay attention not to mix with tea, and coffee, dried fish products and other raw materials / finished products with a typical odor.

3.4 Quality control to do the whole quality supervision

Before determining the supply, quality control should make full verification of the quality assurance ability of the selected suppliers; each batch of coconut milk powder is tested for sensory, physical, chemical and health indicators according to GB7101-2003 “Solid Beverage Hygiene Standards” or local standard DB46/T69-2006 “Coconut Powder” before it is put into storage, and any indicator that fails to pass the actual measurement value is not accepted. Microbiological testing of hands, containers, utensils, inner packaging materials and other direct contact surfaces and air is conducted during the production process. Finished product inspection is also subject to GB7101, DB46/T69, unqualified shall not leave the factory.


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